[Salon] Sumantra Maitra: the US has never faced a challenge like China - UnHerd

Here are the two files I had to remove from the previous email to send it. With Israel’s “Radical Right,” now properly called “National Conservatism,” a continuation of an ideological line going back to Jabotinsky, Begin (whom Einstein and Arendt correctly called a “fascist”), identically minded “Thought-Control Conservatives” in the U.S., allied with Southern “Conservatives" like M.E. Bradford, all sharing the same "political theory” with only the slightest discrepancies, culminating today as the “New Right/National Conservatism. With the attached files clearly showing the same tactics used in in Israel by their fascists (the author avoided calling them fascist a decade ago but the mask has been fully removed now), as seen in our own “New Right,” as with “Trumpism.” 

Attachment: 3. The New Radical Right.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Attachment: 7. The Demise of the Peace Process.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

To my point of how insane it is to call this guy a “Restrainer,” this statement is correctly seen as “fear mongering” and therefore, “incitement of hostile feelings” which is what Clausewitz pointed out is a predicate for war. If this is “Restraint,” begin saying your final farewells to your loved ones now. I’m sure the Chinese know what statements like this amount to, just as the US studies influential commentators in our “peer competitors.” 

"China is the greatest threat posed to the US in the latter’s history, according to Dr Sumantra Maitra, director of research and outreach at the American Ideas Institute."

Sumantra Maitra: the US has never faced a challenge like China

It’s unclear whether China intends to go to war.

China is the greatest threat posed to the US in the latter’s history, according to Dr Sumantra Maitra, director of research and outreach at the American Ideas Institute.

Last night Maitra argued at an event at the UnHerd Club that, while it’s unclear whether China intends to go to war, such an event would bring American deaths at a scale not seen in generations. 

“The total Chinese manpower is 1.6 billion people,” said Maitra. “They have a production capacity which is more than the combined production capacity of the US, UK, European Union, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The scope of the threat, if that goes on a war footing, is something which we haven’t even thought about or grappled with.”

A war with China to defend Taiwan would mean 12,000 dead Americans within the first hour, because the Chinese would immediately sink two carrier groups, according to Maitra. At the present moment, the US lacks both the capacity and the appetite for this type of fight. “The US has never faced a challenge to the scope of China, and this is not being hyperbolic,” he said. 

This doesn’t mean China should take a successful invasion of Taiwan as a given, Maitra explained. It takes less to defend an island than to conquer it, and even a successful invasion would be followed by a challenging occupation.

“They’re never going to go toe to toe with the Chinese Air Force, but what they can do is have guns in every house. That changes that dynamic of Chinese invasion,” he warned.

Maitra’s work has gained influence in Donald Trump’s circles, and some have speculated that his calls for a “dormant NATO” could make their way into the former president’s agenda. This would mean gradually removing American troops from Europe as continental powers increase their defence spending while maintaining nuclear protection from the US. In the event of a second Trump term, that could lead to a shift in America’s focus from Europe to Asia.   (TP-and that can only be seen as a deliberate provocation by the US for inciting a war, with this the kicker: 

“That amount of death we haven’t seen since the Second World War,” he said of a potential war with China. “I don’t think they have the appetite to do that.”)

So let’s be a little reckless and not concern ourselves with risks of bringing a war on? 

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